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Флокированный латок Вытворца

Зроблена ў Кітаі, procurement cost reduced by 30%
We have our own mold room, and design and production are completed in the same factory. Дастаўка ад дзвярэй да дзвярэй.

Вытворца падносаў для ювелірных вырабаў

flocking blister tray manufacturer

Флокированные ўстаўкі для ювелірных вырабаў – ідэальнае рашэнне для арганізацыі і дэманстрацыі вашай калекцыі каштоўных упрыгожванняў. Наша калекцыя падносаў і ўкладышаў для ювелірных вырабаў з флокінга не толькі стыльная, але і функцыянальная, забеспячэнне бяспекі і абароны вашых упрыгожванняў.

Калі вы прафесійны ювелір або прадавец, Падносы для ювелірных вырабаў з флоксам - гэта тое, што трэба мець у вітрынах. Мяккая аксамітная падкладка нашых падносаў дадае нотку элегантнасці вашай вітрыне ювелірных вырабаў, робіць яго больш прывабным для кліентаў. Нашы латкі бываюць розных памераў, і іх можна лёгка складаць, каб зэканоміць месца. З флокированными латкамі для ювелірных вырабаў, вы можаце прадэманстраваць сваю калекцыю ювелірных вырабаў прыгожым і бяспечным спосабам.

flocking blister tray factory

Наладжванне ўпакоўкі з флокаваных латкоў у Кітаі таксама ўніверсальнае. Варыянты наладкі ўключаюць форму латка, памер, і флокирующий матэрыял, а таксама магчымасць дадаваць брэндынг і лагатыпы на ўпакоўку. Гэтая ўніверсальнасць гарантуе, што ўпакоўка не толькі функцыянальная, але таксама адлюстроўвае ідэнтычнасць і каштоўнасці брэнда.

Флокаваныя латкі маюць не толькі тэкстуру паверхні і візуальны эфект, яны могуць быць распрацаваны з фіксаванымі паражнінамі ў залежнасці ад формы прадукту для бяспечнага захоўвання і акуратнасці і парадку. Гэта робіць яго ідэальным рашэннем для кампаній і прыватных асоб, якім патрэбныя індывідуальныя ўпаковачныя рашэнні для задавальнення канкрэтных патрэб і патрабаванняў, адначасова адлюстроўваючы імідж і каштоўнасці брэнда.

PS флокированная вінная скрынка з блістарнай паддонам для тэрмафармавання

Wine tray blister flocking inner tray

This is a wine flocking blister inner tray, most red wine bottles are made of glass, belong to fragile materials. The import and export of red wine often involves long-term transportation. If there is no good protection, the bumps during transportation can easily cause damage to the bottle. The surface of flocking blister packaging is relatively soft and has good impact resistance, ensuring that it is not affected by external factors during transportation, and can provide good safety protection to ensure the integrity of the red wine. And because the surface of flocking blister is fluffy, the friction is very small, which will not cause wear to the bottle body and affect the external appearance of the bottle body.

Cosmetic flocking blister tray

This cosmetic flocking blister tray can separate and protect products. To increase customersdesire to buy, you can add some content to the packaging design of the cosmetic flocking blister tray, such as by choosing the flocking color. The pink flocking blister below highlights the quality of the cosmetics, and it is convenient for customers to carry when going out, and is favored by the majority of beauty lovers.

Golf ball flocking blister tray

golf blister flocking inner tray

golf ball flocking blister tray gift packaging. The dark green flocking highlights the golf ball, which looks more high-end and textured. It is very suitable for gift packaging. You can add a paper box or plastic box packaging outside the tray to better protect the golf ball.

Flocking blister tray for tableware

Flocking blister trays for tableware. The cavity can be customized according to the shape of knives, forks and spoons, which can fix them in place very neatly and look pleasing to the eye. The surface of the flocking is frosted velvet. Generally, high-quality tableware is usually made of silver or stainless steel. The flocking blister tray can protect the tableware from being scratched during transportation, and at the same time can set off your tableware to present a bright luster and delicate texture.

Flocking blister tray for tableware
Flocking blister for electronic products

Flocking blister for electronic products

Flocking blister tray for electronic product. The simple black and white colors can better highlight the technological sense of electronic products. У дадатак, flocking blister tray can prevent static electricity, keep heat and moisture, and has shock absorption function, so that electronic products can maintain a perfect appearance during transportation, which is very suitable for the packaging needs of electronic products.

Characteristics and advantages of flocking blister trays

  1. Excellent display effect-the cavityof flocking blister trays look more three-dimensional, making the packaging look more advanced, and make thecustomers feel that they are getting value for money.
  2. Customizable bright colors-compared to ordinaryplasticblister tray, flocking blister tray can be made into various bright colors, and it can also customize the logo printing, which can make your blister packaging look more unique and attractive.
  3. Strong and soft-the chassis of flocking blister is a strongblistertray, and the surface is fluffy and it is very soft, which is very suitable for packaging some fragile or easily scratched products, such as porcelain, glass products and jewelry products.
  4. Safe and environmentally friendly-the flocking blister tray is made of non-toxic and odorless materials, which is harmless to human health, can be used to package food, and is recyclable, and will not pollute the natural environment.
  5. Thermal insulation and moisture proof -the surface of the flocking blister tray is a layer of velvet, and the chassis is a plastic tray,so it can achieve the effects of insulation and moisture-proof at the same time, which is more suitable for the packaging needs of electronic products.
  6. Anti-staticFlocking blister packaging can effectively accumulate static electricity on the surface of objects, avoiding accumulation and high potential difference; it can significantly reduce the loss of electronic equipment during processing, control costs, improve product quality and increase profits.

Customization instructions for flocking blister trays

If you want to customize flocking blister, the color of the flocking can be customized according to the customer’s requirements, but generally you need to provide a color design file, or the customer can specify the approximate color, and we can provide the color for you to choose. Since the process of flocking blister is relatively complicated, the MOQ will be relatively high.

The bigger difference of custom flocking blister packaging is that you can design the appearance of blister packaging according to your own preferences, which is completely your own brand style.

As a professional flocking blister tray manufacturer and supplier, we can customize a perfect flocking blister tray packaging appearance for you, which can show the difference of your products, stand out in many blister packaging, and quickly occupy the market. For the specific details, you can feel free to contact us to explain your requirements and ideas, and we will reply as soon as possible.

блістара латок завод пастаўшчыкоў вытворцаў
блістаравая паддон для садавіны

Калі вам патрэбна індывідуальная ўпакоўка з флокаваных паддонаў, звяжыцеся з намі. Наша кампанія прапануе шырокі спектр варыянтаў наладкі для задавальнення вашых канкрэтных патрэб упакоўкі, уключаючы памеры латкоў, формы, флокирующие матэрыялы і магчымасці налады. Наша каманда экспертаў будзе працаваць з вамі, каб стварыць ідэальнае рашэнне для ўпакоўкі, а таксама прапануем канкурэнтаздольныя цэны і хуткі час апрацоўкі, каб атрымаць упакоўку на заказ хутка і па даступнай цане.

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Удакладніце свае патрабаванні і хутка атрымайце прапанову

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