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klare plastrør med hætter

700+ Form med runde rørdiameter, fri for skimmelafgift

Brugerdefineret længde

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MOQ:3000PCS (undtagen specialprodukter)

clear plastic tubes with caps57

One of the biggest advantages of clear plastic tubes is the impressive visual effect they provide. No matter how sophisticated your product is, the clear look is able to display it in plain sight. This visibility is essential to engage customers and inspire purchasing decisions.
clear plastic tubes with caps57Clear plastic tubes with lids can be customized to fit your needs. Whether you need a compact tube to hold jewelry or a larger one to hold posters or posters, it’s easy to find the right size and shape. This flexibility makes it a popular choice for a wide variety of industries.

These plastic tubes provide not only visual appeal, but also superior protection. They resist moisture, dust and other potential damage, ensuring that products remain intact during transportation and storage. The inclusion of a lid further enhances security by preventing items from accidentally slipping out.单个粉扑圆筒包装视频主图 - One-stop printing and packaging custom makeup sponge packing33 - One-stop printing and packaging customIf you wish to add a brand logo or message to your packaging. You can print labels or logos on the tubes to ensure that your brand message is clearly visible. This helps to increase brand recognition and strengthens the impression in the marketplace.

Green packaging transparent plastic pipe packaging supplierMore and more consumers are concerned about the environment. The good news is that clear plastic tubes with lids are often made from recyclable materials, which helps minimize the environmental impact.


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