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Brugerdefinerede tomme golfboldbokse emballagebeholdere

Kinas førende producent af tilpasset emballage [email protected]

Tomme golfboldkasser, clamshell emballage til golfbolde, golfbold papir, plastrørsemballage, luksus gaveæske, og postboks er vores ekspertiseområder Fra design til producent

Golf ball paper packing box
Golf ball round blister packaging - One-stop printing and packaging custom
Golf ball round tube packing - One-stop printing and packaging custom
Golf gift box packaging - One-stop printing and packaging custom

The importance of a good golf ball box packaging Protection

Det primære formål med en golfboldemballage er at beskytte golfbolden mod enhver skade, der kan ske under transport, håndtering, og opbevaring. Emballage bevarer produktet intakt i hele sin logistikkæde fra producent til slutbruger. Det beskytter produktet mod fugt, lys, varme, og andre eksterne faktorer. Dette er det vigtigste formål med emballage. På grund af det, det er ikke usædvanligt at ende med langt mere emballage end det faktiske produkt. Især ved bestilling af varer fra netbutikker. Mængden af ​​emballageaffald, produktet efterlader, kan være virkelig svimlende. Alt i alt, emballagens formål er at beskytte, men der er forskel på intelligent og veldesignet emballage og emballage uden design, der passer til formålet.

Choosing the Right Packaging

When it comes to choosing the right luxury packaging for your golf gift, there are a few things to consider. Først, you’ll want to choose packaging that’s the right size for your golf ball. You don’t want the ball to move around too much inside the packaging, as this can damage the ball. You’ll also want to consider the material of the packaging. Luxury packaging can be made from a variety of materials, including cardboard, papir, plast, and metal. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose one that meets your needs.

Benefits of Luxury Golf Ball Packaging

Luxury gift packaging can take a simple golf gift to the next level. It adds an element of surprise, excitement, and elegance that is sure to impress the recipient. Luxury packaging can also protect the gift from damage during transportation and storage. Derudover, luxury packaging can be reused or repurposed, making it a sustainable option that’s good for the environment.

Påvirker andelen af ​​investeringer i Golfboldemballage salgsvolumen?

Som vi ved, det første indtryk er meget vigtigt uanset personen eller produktet. Derfor, hvordan du gør din golfboldemballage fremragende på produktets hylde er et godt spørgsmål at tænke over. Så det første indtryk af pakken afgør den høje sandsynlighed for salg

Tomme golfboldkasser - Cardboard Golf Ball Boxes

Golf ball paper box packing - One-stop printing and packaging custom

Brand Identity: Customization options, such as printing logos, mærke farver, and graphics on empty golf ball boxes, enable brands to reinforce their identity and create a consistent brand experience. This branding effect contributes to long-term brand recognition and customer loyalty.

Marketing and Communication: Customization allows manufacturers to communicate important information about the golf balls, such as ball type, compression, and performance features. This eliminates the need for separate information inserts, reducing additional costs.

Enhanced Aesthetics: Tailoring the design and aesthetics of empty golf ball boxes to match the brand’s image enhances the overall product presentation. Eye-catching and visually appealing packaging can attract customers and justify premium pricing.

Differentiation: Customization allows brands to stand out in a competitive market. Unique packaging designs and features can differentiate their golf balls from competitors, helping to create a niche and justify premium pricing.

CMYK is free to make any pattern you want
CMYK er gratis at lave ethvert mønster, du ønsker
UV varnish effect, showing local brightness, touch feel
UV lak effekt, viser lokal lysstyrke, berøringsfølelse
Embossing 1 - One-stop printing and packaging custom
Can custom the pattern of embossing, de fleste vælger at lave prægeeffekter i deres eget logo

plastic clear golf ball packaging box

1PCS Clear Golf Ball Box
1PCS Clear Golf Ball Box
3PCS Clear Golf Ball Box
3PCS Clear Golf Ball Box

Introducing our plastic clear golf ball packaging box, the perfect solution to showcase your golf balls with elegance and style. Crafted with high-quality, transparent plastic, this packaging box offers a captivating view of the golf balls inside, making it an ideal choice for retail display and gifting.

Materiale: plast har PVC og PET materiale, hvert materiale har 0,3 mm,0.35mm, 0.4mm, og 0,45 mm. PET-materiale kan genbruges, med miljønedbrydelige egenskaber

Tilpasningstid: 7-10 dage.

Crystal Clear Display
Our plastic clear golf ball packaging box is designed to provide a crystal-clear display of your golf balls. The transparent plastic offers unobstructed visibility, allowing customers to see the golf ballstexture, farve, and brand markings. This captivating display creates a premium presentation that elevates the perceived value of your golf balls.

Secure Protection
Beyond its visual appeal, our plastic clear packaging box ensures secure protection for your golf balls. The durable plastic material offers excellent resistance against impact and scratches, safeguarding the balls during transportation and handling. The snug fit of the box prevents movement, minimizing the risk of damage and ensuring the golf balls arrive in pristine condition.

Versatile Size Options
Our plastic clear golf ball packaging box comes in various size options to accommodate different golf ball quantities. Whether you need packaging for individual golf balls, sets, or custom assortments, we have the right size to fit your specific requirements. The versatility of our packaging allows for easy customization based on your golf ball offerings.

clamshell golfbold emballage - golf ball clamshell packaging

Golf ball round blister packaging - One-stop printing and packaging custom

Fuldstændig gennemsigtig, it can usually stand or hang on store shelves.Recyclable, biodegradable plastic Thickness and capacity can be custom.

Agreen is your go-to expert for custom golf ball clamshell packaging that caters to your specific needs. Whether you need packaging for a single golf ball or a set, our versatile clamshell packaging is designed for easy assembly and offers ample space for customization, including printed color cards to introduce and promote your brand, adding a touch of sophistication to your packaging.

Effortless Assembly for Any Quantity
Our clamshell packaging is designed with user convenience in mind. It is easy to assemble, allowing for quick and efficient packaging of golf balls, regardless of the quantity. Whether you need to package individual golf balls or sets of multiple balls, our clamshell packaging ensures a seamless and hassle-free process.

Customizable Printed Color Cards
At Agreen, we understand the importance of brand promotion and personalization. With our customizable printed color cards, you have the perfect opportunity to introduce your brand, showcase your logo, and share key information about your golf balls. This personalized touch not only adds credibility to your brand but also enhances the overall packaging aesthetics.

Elevate Your Brand Image
With our custom golf ball clamshell packaging, you can elevate your brand image and create a lasting impression on your customers. The sleek and professional design of our packaging reflects the high-quality of your golf balls, instilling confidence and trust in your brand. Whether displayed in retail stores or shipped directly to customers, our packaging helps make a memorable impact.

plastic tube for golf balls - Customized height and branding

Golf ball round tube packing - One-stop printing and packaging custom

Introducing our plastic tube for golf balls, a practical and convenient storage and transportation solution for your golfing needs. Crafted with high-quality, durable plastic, this tube is designed to keep your golf balls secure and protected while on the move.

Transparent golf ball clear plastic packaging tube
Transparent golf ball clear plastic packaging tube
Transparent golf ball clear plastic packaging tube

Compact and Portable
The compact and lightweight design of our plastic tube makes it highly portable. It easily fits into your golf bag or backpack, providing easy access to your golf balls when you need them. Its streamlined shape allows for efficient storage without taking up unnecessary space.

Easy Dispensing
The twist-off cap design of our plastic tube allows for easy dispensing of golf balls. Simply twist open the cap, and your golf balls are ready for use. This quick and hassle-free dispensing feature makes it convenient during practice sessions or when retrieving golf balls on the course.

Visibility and Identification
The transparent plastic material of the tube offers visibility, allowing you to quickly identify the contents inside. Whether you have different golf ball types or colors, our plastic tube makes it easy to grab the right ball without any confusion.

Reusable and Environmentally Friendly
Our plastic tube is reusable, making it an environmentally friendly choice for golf ball storage. Instead of using single-use plastic bags or containers, our tube offers a more sustainable option for organizing and carrying your golf balls.

Golfboldrøret har en permanent forseglet bund og et plastiklåg med en tommelfingerflig/strop for nem fjernelse.

gaveæske til golfbold

Flip belt lining luxury gift box available for custom size and LOGO Gaveæskesættet kan også rumme kuglestifterne og nogle udsøgte gaver

Customizable for Personalization
Personalization is key to making a gift special. Our golf ball gift box offers various customization options, allowing you to add a personalized touch. Whether it’s adding the recipient’s name, a special message, or a logo, our customization services make each gift box unique and meaningful.

Secure and Protective Packaging
While elegance is essential, protecting the contents is equally important. Our golf ball gift box provides secure and protective packaging for your golf balls. The sturdy construction of the box ensures that the golf balls stay safe and intact during transportation and handling.

Premium Gift Presentation
Our golf ball gift box adds a premium touch to your gift presentation. When presented to recipients, it conveys a sense of thoughtfulness and care, making it an unforgettable gesture that leaves a lasting impression.

Eco-Friendly Options
We care about the environment, and our golf ball gift box is available in eco-friendly options. Choose from sustainable materials and printing techniques to align your gift with eco-conscious values.

Flip golf gift box set Med sort EVA foring, for at sikre sikker transport og for at imødekomme den visuelle effekt[/caption]

Gaveæsker har to stilarter, det ene er låget med bundkassen, og en anden er magnetboksen. Alle disse gaveæsker matcher med en sort EVA-bakke til at holde golfboldene. EVA-bakkeindsatsen er meget let og har en anden farve. Ifølge vores erfaring, de fleste af kunderne ville vælge sort farve EVA at indsætte. Fordi den sorte EVA-indsats matcher gaveæsken godt og får den til at se mere af høj kvalitet ud.

Golfbold Gaveæsker er mere sarte end andre opbevaringsbeholdere, tykkelsen er omkring 2 mm, hvilket betyder, at kvaliteten er den stærkeste blandt alle de andre emballagetyper. Sikkert, målgruppen for gaveæsken er meget klar, det er high-end markedet. Med andre ord, gaveæsken vil ikke være billig. Ulempen ved gaveæsken bør være den store forsendelsesvolumen, fordi den ikke kan foldes som en tynd papir-/plastikæske. Hvis du vil spare fragtomkostninger, søfart ville være den bedste forsendelsesmåde. Du kan købe en stor mængde én gang for at svare til søfragtomkostningerne.

magnectic golf ball gift box Magnetiske gaveæsker har kun tykt materiale, den er omkring 2 mm og den kan ikke foldes. Forsiden af ​​låget har en magnet og basens front har en magnet, så det er meget nemt at lukke det.

Logo design

Velovervejet brug af farver er et kritisk element i design af enhver gave golfboldboks. Farve er en af ​​de enkleste og mest effektive strategier for branding. Farveskemaer er den første visuelle cue af gaveæsken til modtageren, du kan bede din designer om at designe nogle farverige designs eller gøre dit logo mere imponerende.


Udover materialet og det attraktive logo, du kan også lave specielle trykhåndværk for at tiltrække kundens opmærksomhed. For eksempel, trykhåndværket har varmstemplet gyldent tryk og prægning, og UV-spot. Du kan vælge håndværket efter dit trykdesign.纸张表面工艺图 - One-stop printing and packaging custom

golf ball display box

Forståing målet marked og dit budget

Hvis du vil have dine produkter til at sælge godt, det er vigtigt, at du forstår dit målmarked og produktpositioneringen. Dette er det første skridt, før du starter din virksomhed. Du skal lave markedsundersøgelser og bestemme målprisen for dit produkt. Så kan du kende budgettet for emballagen til produkterne.

Til emballagen, en professionel person skal udføre professionelt arbejde. Vi er en professionel emballageleverandør, der har specialiseret os i emballageområdet til 12 flere år. Fortæl os din målpris, så kan vi give dig nogle forslag, og du kan træffe den endelige beslutning. Det er en win-win situation for os begge.

Vælgeing golfbold emballage boksen i henhold til din budget

Ikke alene har produktet forskellige niveauer, men emballagen af ​​produktet har forskellige niveauer. God emballage kan forbedre produktniveauet. Nogle mennesker tror måske, at emballagen er en slags affald, men vi må indrømme, at emballage ville påvirke kundens valg. Vil du købe et produkt med flot emballage eller købe et produkt uden emballage? Jeg synes svaret er ret klart.

Vi kender også vigtigheden af ​​miljøbeskyttelse, det er grunden til, at vi kaldte aftalen emballage. Vi ønsker, at vores kunder skal kende vigtigheden af ​​grønt. Materialet vi brugte er et miljøvenligt materiale, og vi insisterer på at undgå unødvendigt spild til produktionen. Kunden fortæller os deres omkostninger til golfboldemballage og golfboldemballagedesign, vi kan give nogle professionelle råd til dem for at spare affald og spare kundernes omkostninger.

Vi er en professionel grossistleverandør af golfboldemballage, kontakt os hvis du skal designe en golfboldemballage.

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