Flocking blister pack various of products in the market.
Primeiramente, Shenzhen Green Plastic Product company produced flocking blister for more than 9 anos. Por falar nisso, we also do plastic box, caixa de papel, embalagem de tubo.
em segundo lugar, as you can see, flocking blister three-dimensional strong, bright colors, soft to the touch, luxury and noble, gorgeous warm, vivid, non-toxic and tasteless, À prova de humidade, not cashmere, friction.
Por isso, a superfície de filme plástico rígido comum fixada a uma camada de material de veludo. So that the tray surface a kind of fluffy feel, used to improve the packaging grade.
Além disso, flocking blister packaging is a more upscale items from the sense of packaging. Devido à aparência de bom, então alguns itens de alta qualidade na embalagem.
Such as chocolate, health care products, cosméticos, presentes, jewelry, glasses box, watch box , Wine and so on the blister packaging.
Finalmente, we are engaged in offering a comprehensive assortment of vacuum forming & thermoforming flocking blister to our customers. Our trays often pack stationery and surgical products and are available in varied sizes and designs. The material used in the construction of these trays is PVC, PS, PP & BICHO DE ESTIMAÇÃO.
Então, tudo o que você precisa é apenas um design e impressão adequados, coisas em que podemos ajudar. If you are interested in this flocking blister.
Just contact us for a good price offer.
Para concluir, we can provide professional idea about all packaging. So please feel free to contact us. We are aqui.
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