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Раскошны жоўты блістэрны ўпаковачны латок для маленькіх бутэлек

This is a yellow flocking blister for small bottles. the ordinary plastic hard film surface attached to a layer of velvet material.

Due to the appearance of nice, then some high-grade items on the packaging.

MOQ:3000PCS (акрамя спецыяльных прадуктаў)

Flocking blister pack various of products in the market.

Па-першае, Shenzhen Green Plastic Product company produced flocking blister for more than 9 гадоў. Дарэчы, we also do plastic box, папяровая скрынка, цюбік ўпакоўкі.

Па-другое, as you can see, flocking blister three-dimensional strong, яркія колеру, мяккі навобмацак, раскошны і высакародны, цудоўны цёплы, яркі, нетоксичный і нясмачны, вільгацятрывалы, не кашмір, трэнне.

Такім чынам, the ordinary plastic hard film surface attached to a layer of velvet material. So that the tray surface a kind of fluffy feel, used to improve the packaging grade.

In addition, flocking blister packaging is a more upscale items from the sense of packaging. Due to the appearance of nice, then some high-grade items on the packaging.

Such as chocolate, прадукты аховы здароўя, касметычныя сродкі, падарункі, ювелірныя вырабы, скрынка для ачкоў, скрынка для гадзінніка , Wine and so on the blister packaging.

Нарэшце, we are engaged in offering a comprehensive assortment of vacuum forming & thermoforming flocking blister to our customers. Our trays often pack stationery and surgical products and are available in varied sizes and designs. The material used in the construction of these trays is PVC, PS, пп & ПЭТ.

Такім чынам, all you need in addition is just a proper design and printing, things which we can help with. If you are interested in this flocking blister.

Just contact us for a good price offer.

In conclusion, we can provide professional idea about all packaging. So please feel free to contact us. We are тут.

Flocking- Blister
There are Six Flocking tray Cavity
This is Distance Between Each Flocking tray Packaging Cavity
flocking blister for bottle
The Back Side of Flocking Tray Packaging


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