In the world of packaging, PET 吸塑託槃 have become a preferred choice for many industries due to their durability, 清晰, 和多功能性. Whether you are in the food, 電子學, 化妝品, or medical industry, PET blister trays offer a reliable and efficient packaging solution that meets various needs.
耐久性: PET吸塑托盘係一種耐用嘅包裝材料,可以承受高衝擊並確保產品內部嘅安全.
重量輕: 托盘重量輕,易於搬運同運輸. 它降低了運輸成本,要包裝過程更加高效.
透明度: PET吸塑託槃係透明嘅, 畀客戶無需打開包裝即可睇到入面嘅產品.
高性價比: 低成本d定製生產允許快速批量生產, 使其成為各行各業的熱門選擇.
- PET (聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯) is a strong, 輕, and clear plastic material widely used in blister trays. Its transparency allows for excellent product visibility, making it ideal for packaging products that require clear presentation, such as consumer electronics, 玩具, and hardware.
- PET is also known for its recyclability, which aligns with the growing demand for sustainable packaging. Using PET blister trays demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility, a factor increasingly important to both consumers and businesses.
- 電子學: PET blister trays provide a secure and visually appealing way to package delicate electronic components, protecting them from damage during shipping and handling.
- 食物: In the food industry, PET blister trays are used for packaging items like baked goods, 水果, and ready-to-eat meals. PET is FDA-approved for food contact, ensuring safety and quality.
- 化妝品: For cosmetics and personal care products, PET blister trays offer a sleek and attractive packaging option, enhancing product appeal on retail shelves.
- Medical: PET’s durability and clarity make it an excellent choice for packaging medical devices and pharmaceutical products, ensuring sterility and protection.
- PET blister trays can be easily customized to fit specific product dimensions and branding needs. Whether you require a unique shape or specific size, PET blister trays can be tailored to your requirements.
- Despite being a premium material, PET is cost-effective, especially when produced in large quantities. Its lightweight nature also reduces shipping costs, making it a practical choice for businesses looking to optimize their packaging expenses.
- One of the key reasons why PET blister trays are so popular is their durability. PET is resistant to impact, 濕氣, 同溫度變化, ensuring that your products remain safe and secure throughout the supply chain.
- The rigid structure of PET blister trays provides excellent protection against tampering and contamination, making them ideal for sensitive products.
- As sustainability becomes a priority, businesses are seeking packaging solutions that reduce environmental impact. PET blister trays are recyclable and can be made from recycled PET (rPET), contributing to a circular economy.
- By choosing PET blister trays, companies can meet consumer demands for eco-friendly packaging without compromising on quality or functionality.
我哋提供各種寵物浸罩生果托盘設計同尺寸,以滿足客戶的需求. 我哋嘅寵物浸罩生果託槃製造商使用頂級材料生產耐用可靠嘅產品,可以承受運輸和儲存嘅嚴酷考驗. 我哋仲提供定製嘅寵物泡罩生果托盘設計同尺寸,以滿足特定嘅客戶要求.
我哋嘅寵物泡罩生果托盘價錢表具有競爭力, 我哋努力提供滿足客戶需求嘅負擔得起嘅解決方案’ 預算和所需經費. 我哋仲提供寵物防靜電泡罩托盘,旨在保護敏感嘅電子元件免受靜電影響.
134*96*25 | 140*100*25 |
182*115*90 | 170*170*45 |
160*160*25 | 180*130*40 |
200*150*28 | 200*100*25 |
200*130*28 | 220*170*50 |
190*100*25 | 220*160*80 |
210*155*55 | 250*130*25 |
250*170*30 | 300*100*15 |

我哋嘅透明寵物ESD吸塑託槃包裝和透明寵物吸塑內託槃包裝因其耐用性和可靠性而受到客戶嘅歡迎. 我哋仲提供寵物內托盘浸罩包裝, 寵物托盘浸罩繙蓋, 以及其他旨在滿足不同行業和應用需求嘅PET吸塑託槃設計.
作為OEM寵物吸塑生果託槃工廠, 我哋與客戶密切合作,以確保我哋滿足他們的特定要求. 我哋提供為客戶度身定製嘅OEM寵物浸罩生果托盘價目表’ 需求和預算. 我哋仲提供OEM寵物浸罩生果托盘供應商,可以提供定製嘅解決方案,以滿足特定嘅客戶要求.
美, 食物, 工業和電子透明PET托盤
麻麻, 模具開發成本約為美國 $100. 精密五金模具唔會超過。 1000 美元
開發周期短,樣品 3-5 日
跟你姓, 以下係PET泡罩托盘喺環保性能方面嘅一些突出優勢, 可回收性, 和成本效益:
環境績效: 與其他塑料包裝材料相比,PET浸罩託槃對環境嘅影響相對較小. PET係一種源自石油嘅熱塑性聚合物, 但它可以多次回收和重複使用, 減少其對環境的整體影響.
可回收性: PET吸塑託槃係 100% 可回收,可多次回收. 這使它們成為包裝的可持續選擇, 因為它們可以重複使用,而唔係喺垃圾填了場處理.
成本效益: PET浸罩托盘係一種經濟高效嘅包裝選擇. 它們可以以低成本大量生產, 使得它們成為需要大規模包裝產品嘅企業嘅有吸引力嘅選擇.
多面性: PET吸塑托盘用途廣泛,可用于包裝各種產品, 包括食物, 電子學, 醫療器械, 等陣. 這種多功能性使它們成為許多不同行業的熱門選擇.
耐久性: PET泡罩托盤經久耐用,可承受各種溫度, 使其適用於喺運輸和儲存過程中需要保護嘅包裝產品.

我哋仲為需要批量訂單嘅客戶提供批發寵物吸塑托盘. 我哋嘅寵物浸罩托盘價錢表具有競爭力, 我哋為大訂單提供折扣. 我哋致力於提供物有所值嘅服務,並確保我哋嘅客戶以實惠嘅價錢獲得最好嘅包裝解決方案.