Bekas Cengkerang Plastik Pembungkusan Kulit Kerang Tersuai

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Apakah pembungkusan kulit kerang?

Pembungkusan lepuh ialah istilah universal yang digunakan untuk menerangkan pembungkusan lepuh thermoforming. Pada masa ini, pakej lepuh thermoforming telah digunakan secara meluas untuk produk yang berbeza. Pembungkusan kulit kerang tergolong dalam sejenis pembungkusan lepuh, ia mempunyai bekas dengan dua bahagian, kedua-dua bahagian boleh membungkus sepenuhnya dan melindungi produk dalam, kemudian dicantumkan oleh engsel untuk mengawal pembukaan dan penutupan lepuh, sama seperti cangkerang. Oleh kerana bentuk dan fungsi pembungkusan lepuh ini sangat mirip dengan cangkang, jadi ia dipanggil kotak kulit kerang.

Perbezaan utama antara kulit kerang plastik dan bungkusan lepuh lain ialah pembungkusan lain tidak mempunyai engsel, dan pek kulit kerang mempunyai engsel, anda boleh membezakan kulit kerang dan lepuh lain pada tahap ini.

Application of hinge in clamshell packaging

As mentioned above, clamshell boxes are joined the two halves together by a hinge. There are two types of hinge structure, let’s see what’s the difference between them:

Dashed hinge clamshell packaging

The first type is a dashed hinge. The dashed hinge is more beautiful when clamshell sealing, and it is easy to fold. If you want your products in a clamshell package, not only it can be hung on the shelf, but also can stand on a flat surface to display the products, the clamshell with a dashed hinge would be a good choice. The dashed hinge and the cavity on the backside of the plastic clam shells form a relatively small inclination angle, not easy to fall. But the hinge is a dashed line, so only a part of the hinge is joined together, easy to disconnect, the fold time is more, the hinge is more likely to disconnect. Pada masa yang sama, the material used to make the clamshell is the thicker, the greater the tension between the two halves when the clamshell closes, and the more likely the hinge is to disconnect. Oleh itu, this type of dashed hinge structure is more suitable for the inside lighter products and the clear clamshell packaging requiring a standing display of products.

living hinge Clamshell Packaging(U Hinge)

living hinge blister - One-stop packaging customization manufacturer

The second type is the living hinge, relative to the dashed hinge, with the living hinge in clamshell that will not be a disconnect, high reusable utilization rate.

But the dashed hinge and the cavity on the backside of the clamshell form a relatively big inclination angle when clamshell standing, easy to fall, so the clamshell with living hinge is basically hung on the shelf.

Sudah tentu, no matter which one type of hinge you choose, it will not affect the price of eco-friendly clamshells when producing bulk.

Tri fold clamshell packaging 2 - One-stop packaging customization manufacturer

Kulit kerang Tri-Lipat agak istimewa dan digunakan untuk pembungkusan produk yang berat atau perlu berdiri teguh. Kulit kerang tiga lipatan mempunyai rongga cembung pada tiga sisi dan dua engsel hidup, after clamshell closing, the bottom of the blister package will form a rectangular plane, and the side elevation of the whole packaging shows up a regular triangle. Seperti yang kita tahu, triangles have the characteristics of stability, firmness, and pressure resistance, so this triangle bottom can provide the stable platform for the products of the center of gravity imbalance. Sudah tentu, it is the most difficult for producing. From plastic clamshell packaging‘s structure design and the original sample mold production, must choose experienced clamshell packaging manufactures, slight size difference and clam shell mold irregularities will lead to the final assembly of the mismatch, resulting in standing instability or tilt.

While we strive to offer our customers very competitive pricing, we don’t sacrifice quality for it. We will use different equipment and production lines to manufacture according to the actual application of your products for the most cost advantage. All products are tested for transparency, ketebalan dinding, hinge strength andopenness”.

The 3 Kelebihan Utama Pembungkusan Clamshell Blister

Kelebihan pertama lepuh kulit kerang ialah menjimatkan masa buruh untuk memasang produk dalam. Pekerja hanya perlu memasukkan produk ke dalam rongga, kemudian tutup bungkusan lepuh kulit kerang. Itu sahaja.

Kelebihan kedua pembungkusan kulit kerang ialah bahan yang jelas menunjukkan bahagian dalam produk dengan baik dan melindungi produk dalam daripada bergerak. Pelanggan yang memberi lebih perhatian untuk melindungi produk dalam semasa pengangkutan akan memilih pembungkusan lepuh kulit kerang untuk membungkus produk mereka.

The last advantage of clamshell blister pack is the cost. Jika anda ingin mengawal kos pembungkusan, clamshell blister would be a good idea. Ia akan lebih murah daripada pembungkusan kotak.

Practical Application

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Clamshell cupcake containers
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Clamshell plant packaging
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Hardware Tools
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Wax Melts
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Vape Cartridge

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