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Pembungkusan lepuh & pembungkusan kulit kerang

Blister packaging is a cost-effective packaging customization option that creates a durable, jelas, and tamper-evident plastic package that conforms to the shape of your product. We customize blister packaging and can design blister packaging to best showcase your product. While we strive to offer our customers extremely competitive pricing, we don’t sacrifice quality.

The following articles are written by our engineers with expertise in the field of blister packaging, and we hope you can get some inspiration!

Kod Hs Dulang Lepuh

Kod Hs Dulang Lepuh

plastic blister tray hs code For import and export CATEGORIES 7 Plastik dan produk: getah dan produk 39 Plastik dan produk 3923 Articles of plastics

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Senarai Harga Dulang Lepuh

Senarai harga pembungkusan dulang lepuh: Pembungkusan dulang lepuh kami menyediakan penyelesaian yang boleh dipercayai dan kos efektif untuk membungkus pelbagai produk. Our high-quality blister trays come in a

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Tatal ke Atas

2 Jurutera Jualan Dalam Talian

Perhalusi keperluan anda dan dapatkan sebut harga pantas

2 Jurutera Jualan Dalam Talian