Popular Hot-Selling makeup sponge packing tube
正如我哋所知, 近年來化妝品市場越嚟越受歡迎. 所以, 如何讓你的產品更具吸引力真係好緊要. 好產品值得好包裝. We can do make up puff tube in biodegradable packaging if you have special requirements.
The following is the make up puff tube packaging 我哋有做到, 係我哋受歡迎嘅包裝. 以下係呢種包裝嘅優點:
- 安全. Make up puff tube packaging can protect sponge products from damage during transportation.
- 清楚. High-Clear plastic material like glass can show the puff products better and make it looks shining.
- 印刷設計. You can print the information and instruction on make up puff tube. 如果你想做燙印印刷, it will make the tube packaging shinning.
- 自定義尺寸. 如果你唔知要使用嘅尺寸, 當您將產品發送給我們時,我們可以為您推薦尺寸.
2021 化妝海綿管包裝
This is a very popular style in 2021. 我哋仲撐定製. 我哋有專業嘅設計師根據每個客戶嘅具體要求獨立設計和生產產品.
我哋支持定製, 我哋有專業嘅設計師, 根據每個客戶嘅具體要求, 獨立設計和生產產品. 你可以喺包裝表面設計各種圖案, 包括得意嘅卡通圖案. 除了呢種包裝, 我哋都有包裝盒.