

中國領先嘅定製包裝製造商 [email protected]


The plastic box information/knowledge you need to know before quotation. 我哋收到好多詢問,客戶開始就要求報價或價目表,但冇話畀我哋任何信息. 呢種情況真的令我头痛.

There have an old Chinese saying goes, “Difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart.” Maybe you think all of the products have price-list such as tablet, 耳機, cable and so on. 係, the electronic products have price-list because they have exist mold and the products that the clients want is the same. But what we do is custom products. Different clients want different products, such as the different size, different printing and different craft/technology. So how do we have price-list?

I understand that you don’t know much knowledge about our packaging field, now let me tell you some plastic box information that you need to know if you want to get accurate price. I believe the plastic box information/knowledge is easy for you to understand.

Box Style/Structure

The first thing for plastic box information you need to know is about the box style/structure. When we do the plastic box, 我哋使用模切機切割塑料片,並使用膠水粘合盒子.Die cut - One-stop printing and packaging custom

因為我哋會把膠盒嘅模切排列喺一張塑料片中, 就係我哋所講嘅作曲. 箱體結構會影響成分,從而影響原材料成本. 不同嘅結構會有不同嘅組成, 所以價格會有所不同.

如果客戶冇說出佢哋想要嘅盒子嘅結構, 我哋將引用牙膏結構盒,因為佢係最平嘅盒式結構. Let me introduce more box structure for you.


牙膏結構盒係我哋喺包裝市場上最常用嘅盒式結構. 它也是最平嘅結構盒,因為組成. 您可以從頂部或底部將產品放入盒子中.

Semicircle Structure

頂部係牙膏結構蓋, 底部為半圓形結構.

呢個盒子嘅優點係底部穩定. It is stronger than toothpaste structure box but it needs more time to assemble the box.



這種結構非常容易摺疊和組裝. 通常呢種結構用于輕質產品.



你只需要將其壓成正方形並將產品放入其中即可, 然後合上蓋子.

但係對我們來說,生產盒子好複雜, 由於勞動時間更長,價錢會更高.


弧形外觀令盒子睇嚟好時尚. 当你觸摸盒子時,你會感覺好好.

呢種枕套適用於細尺寸產品, it can improve the inside productslevel and make the products look interesting.

Other Structure Also Can Be Customized

我哋接受定制訂單. 無論你想要乜嘢盒子結構, 我哋可以做到. If you want to add hanger on the top of box, 我哋都可以為您做.

因為市場上有好多不同結構嘅盒子, 我唔認為你想睇到所有嘅結構. 我只係向你展示客戶會為他們的產品選擇嘅結構. 如果您有興趣獲得更多膠盒信息/知識, 歡迎與我哋聯繫了解更多詳情.

胶盒结构介绍 - One-stop printing and packaging custom

材料 & Material Thickness

The second thing for plastic box information you need to know is about the material.

We have two different styles for the material, 係透明材料, 另一種係霜凍材料.

根據您的產品用途和您想要的產品效果, 你可以選擇合適嘅材料.

For Clear Material

如果你想讓客戶能清楚地看到裏面的產品, it is better to use clear material. Let me tell you what kind of clear material you can use to do the plastic box.


PVC係我哋最常使用嘅材料. This kind of material can’t touch the food directly.

Funko Pop Case

PVC box was used for electronic products cause PVC is hard and it is the cheapest material.



如果您的產品係食品, 你應該使用PET材料. 如果您所在的國家/地區對環保有嚴格的要求, PET is your best choice.


PETG比PET更環保. 從外觀上睇, 你看不出PET同PETG嘅區別.

PET requires high MOQ, the MOQ for PETG is 1 ton at least and the price is higher than PET. We suggest you can use PET.

Clear PP

PP嘅原色係霜凍效果. 但PP都能做到明顯嘅效果.

PP材料會比其他材料更柔軟, so it can’t resist high temperature condition.

For Frosty Material

如果你唔想完全展示內部產品, 霜凍材料係您的最佳選擇. Frosty material only can see the shape of the products roughly.DSC0852 - One-stop printing and packaging custom


PP is frosty effect material. It is also Eco-friendly material.

But PP is not very hard. When you bend the PP and other material, you will feel PP is softer than other material.

Frosty PVC

聚氯乙烯原色清晰. 但PVC都可以做霜凍效果.

If you want cheap material, frosty PVC is cheaper than frosty PP.

The Comparison Between Different Material

In order to make you have a clearer understanding for the material(plastic box information), here attach a form about the material comparison. Wish it can be helpful to you.

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The Material Thickness

The material we used frequently for plastic box is from 0.3-0.45mm. If you don’t know what thickness you should use, please tell us the size you need and the wight of inside products, we can give you professional suggestions according to your info.



When we communicate with clients about the size, we need to clear the size of the box.

Different people would have different understanding for the definition of length, width and height. And the array of length, width and height would effect how we do the composing, it will effect the price.

So it is better to use the picture to tell us the correct length, width and height.

QQ图片20190511133855 - One-stop printing and packaging custom


有 2 different printing method in the packaging field for now, silk-screen printing and offset printing. I will tell you the differences between silk-screen printing and offset printing.

Silk-Screen Printing

If the quantity of the packaging is not large, you can choose silk-screen printing. The color of silk-screen is bright, here attach some pictures for your reference. Only when the quantity of colors less than 4 顏色, it can use silk-screen printing.

plastic box knowledgeplastic box knowledge

Offset Printing

If your design is complicated and the color over 4 顏色, it requires to offset printing. We use machine to do offset printing, so the efficiency is very high, it is suitable for large quantity.

Small Clear Plastic Boxes With Lids Wholesale


最小起訂量 (Minimal Order Quantity)

Usually the MOQ is 3000pcs. If you want the quantity less than 3000pcs, we also can do it. But I am afraid the price will be high and you can not accept it. When we do the quantity less than 3000pcs, there will increase the waste of raw material. This is the reason why our MOQ is 3000pcs.

Higher Quantity, Lower Price

When the quantity is high, we can have negotiation about the price. Because there will have material waste when we handle and adjust the machine, the percentage of raw material waste is high when small quantity. But if large quantity, the percentage is lower and the price will be cheaper.

The Craft/Technology That Can Improve the ProductsLevel

If you want to make the box looks better or high-grade, we suggest that you can use some craft on the box to make it looks great, such as anti-scratch craft, hot stamping and embossing.


通常, when you use something sharp to scratch the box, it will have scratch on the surface. 所以, choosing anti-scratch material can solve this problem.

There have two methods that can achieve anti-scratch. One is anti-scratch material which was added anti-scratch elements into raw material. Another is to do anti-scratch oil on the surface of box, you can choose to do anti-scratch oil inside or outside of the box.

Rigid Cardboard Pencil Tube


You also can improve the printing effect to make the box looks better. What I said is hot stamping.

The hot stamping printing looks shinning which can make the box stand out in the showcase.


Embossing is to make the part that you want to emphasize stand out or concave, such as your logo or the name of the product.

We Can Give Some Professional Suggestions If You Don’t Have Any Idea

If you just want to upgrade your products and haven’t decided which packaging you are going to use, welcome to contact us for professional advice. Our company have been specialized in packaging field for 11 擁有我哋自己工廠嘅年數. 因此, we have rich experience about the packaging and we can put forward several packaging styles according to your products. Then you can choose the packing style you want. After tell you so many plastic box information you need to know, I think you are familiar with our packaging field.

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plastic box knowledge





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