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Recyclable and Biodegradable Red flocked plastic tray for Metal badge

Red flocked tray inserts Secure fixing of internal goods, customizable in size and thermal and structural

100% environment-friendly materials
You can custom any color
You can custom any shape

Red flocking blister packagingIMG 20190110 174526 - One-stop packaging customization manufacturer

IMG 20190110 174612 - One-stop packaging customization manufacturer

IMG 20190110 174620 - One-stop packaging customization manufacturer

IMG 20190110 174636 - One-stop packaging customization manufacturer

Red flocking blister packaging

IMG 20190110 174636 1 - One-stop packaging customization manufacturer

IMG 20190110 174620 1 - One-stop packaging customization manufacturer

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15 years specializing in packaging design manufacturing production

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